Sunday, December 20, 2009


Shared a table space with my bro at the indoor market today. Ended up with $9 after paying $6 for table space, and was there/working on being there for about 7 hours. Not great, but that's more cash than I've seen in a while. Sigh. There were somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 vendors, and somewhere between 6-8 of them were selling jewelry - LOTS of competition. I had meant to make more stuff this week and never got the chance. I ended up waking up, driving T there and setting up our tables with some of my little beeswax tea lights and then I went home to get some more stuff while he held down the fort.

I stayed for a bit and made a few cards, just simple ones but I think they are cute. I'm real glad I did because I ended up selling four of them! Also sold several of the tea lights, some of them while I was gone, so I'm glad I left them there at the beginning. But I also guess I'm glad I didn't spend a whole lot of time making stuff, because I have the feeling I would have sold about the same amount whether I had more or not, and I would have been more disappointed if I'd put more time in.

Anyhoo, next year if I plan to keep selling stuff, I really need to find a new thing to make. Something more unique. Or the jewelry needs to be more unusual. Although really, if everyone is making the stuff that is fast, it sort of shows that people aren't paying for the more intricate, unique stuff when it comes to earrings. Also some of these ladies must be buying big amounts cheap of stuff like the real silver and gold-filled ear hooks, because otherwise how can they sell the stuff for so cheap and make money?

Well, tomorrow I get to help out at Cafe P for their very last Sunday brunch in the old location. They have been working like crazy to get finished in the new place on the square, I hope they are ready! I think they are just going to do it no matter what. They've had a lot of volunteers helping make it happen, I was out putting up posters and it seemed to be crawling with people working on it. The remodeling they are doing really is making it super nice though. Still trying to figure out if they are going to have a kitchen or what, because I can't figure out where with the current layout... Maybe they thought they've gotten by without it for so long, but hrm.... Anyway, I'll get some hours and I'll get to be there in the old place. It'll be a little sad to see it go. I wonder what will happen there next...

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