Thursday, February 25, 2010

Be the change

So, at the risk of offending people who might have a different idea about me, and in order to tell about this realization I had today, I am going to share - I don't usually make the bed. Like, 19 times out of 20 probably. I don't really see the point. There are a lot of other things I want to be spending time on, and if we have people over, it's easy to just shut the door. I usually only make it when I need to fold clothes and I don't want them to get lost in the sheets.

I also don't usually go to bed at the same time as G. Night-owlism, procrastination, distraction, freaking out, working late, catching up, whathaveyou, it varies in phases from a little late to very very late. (Lately leaning to very very, argh). When I do get to bed, G usually gets grumbly because I shift all the blankets around that are tangled in order to be covered. I've tried to tell him many times that if he would arrange the blankets when he got into bed, I wouldn't disturb him as much when I came.

For some reason this morning it hit me. I bet if I would make the bed in the morning, the blankets would still be in pretty good shape at night, even if I got there second. It seems pretty obvious now, but I was oblivious to it before. So wrapped up in wanting him to think about me and leave things in a way that would show he was thinking about me. On the few nights that I go to bed first I am very aware of leaving the night lights on, etc, and wish the same could be done for me.

There is that saying about being the change you wish to see in the world. One of those ones that sounds all very well and good, but come on - how can I BE world peace? or BE the end of hunger? I'm sure someone out there has an answer for that, but for the most part the concepts that are too big, too overwhelming. I've been thinking about some of the stuff I learned in Peru, about asking for small things - please help me climb up these ruins today. please help me finish my homework. please help me find sweetness in life outside of food. please help me go to bed at a decent hour. (!) :-)

Is it really so selfish to ask for little things that help you be more comfortable and happy? Because a comfortable, happy person is more likely to be productive and contribute, to have the energy to help others, etc, etc.

So yes. I'll get to go test my theory now. If it works, I've found a good reason to make the bed every day. And both of us will get a better, more comfortable night's sleep, waking up to be happier people. Who knows how that will affect our days?

Be the change.

Little changes can make a big difference.

PS In other news - I AM SO TIRED OF BEING COLD DAMMIT!!!!! It just seems to keep snowing and snowing and snowing. ;-(


Nandi said...

As much as I deal with people on a daily basis, I should know that how I am, the world is. Granted, nothing wrong with getting some attention/love (even in the small gestures).

Ouf. I too am ready for warm weather.

Heather said...

Oh, I am not at all against small gestures, and I do get them in lots of other ways. :-) I just finally realized that something was bothering me and I had it in my power to easily change it, rather than giving up that power and waiting for someone else to do it for me.

And yes, it did work! So I made the bed again today!