Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Year, New Decade

And so it is. 2010. I have survived the holidays. Now time for the post holiday catch-up on things I meant to do (send cards?), plus try and focus on the new things I want to do. One of the things I want to do is get clear on what my ideal income producing situation would be.

1. That way when someone asks me what I want to do, I can tell them and they can put out feelers for me too
2. I can have more focus in pursuing this ideal situation
3. The universe supports clarity and purpose

Someone posted this astrology thing about Mars being retrograde through March. I really related to it, wowzer. Made me feel a whole lot better somehow.

Just spent the weekend working at the Cafe. Two days in a row is kinda brutal, but I could REALLY use the money right now, so I'm gearing up and powering through to do this the next couple weekends as well to fill in while P is on vacation. It also rather sucks because I'm on the opposite schedule of most other people - working on the weekend and not working during the week. So all manner of rehearsals and such run into conflict in one way or another generally.

Like I ran off to an audition for a very cool play directly after finishing up the food for the baristas (who worked a killer shift, longer than they are used to on a Sunday, I couldn't say no to them). I was an hour and a half late but I'd written ahead to say so and there were still plenty of people and scenes they were running through. I read two scenes for the same character, with two different guys. I can't tell if I was any good or not. I was all greasy from the grill, I would have liked to dress a little better, but I didn't have time for it really. I don't know that I look the part. One of the characters wants to sleep with her, so that has to be plausible. There were tons of other girls there and while that was the only part I could play, they could take that one or any of the others. And I'm working next week for the first read-through. So who knows. Seems like they will be pretty quick to cast though if the first read-through is next week.

Another song for the concert at the end of the month rehearsed today, I wouldn't have been able to go anyway, and another song beyond that is rehearsing next Sunday when I won't be able to go, so I'm quite sure I won't get a solo for that one, which is also ok. The point being though, that again, there is the rehearsal during work hours thing coming up, grrr.

Got an email that they wouldn't be training for coffee at the new cafe for a while, probably till they catch up on the remodeling expenses, so I don't know what that means for how soon I could be getting more hours there. grah.

I could teach another improv class. I could do a concert. I could make stuff and put it up on the web for sale, though that seems the least lucrative, unless I had something REALLY original, which I don't. And even then.

Part of me wants to run away to Austin and take lessons at the music school one of my blog buddies goes to and teaches and helps out. Just focus on the guitar stuff mostly, see if I have any sort of chance with it. Seems like I should be able to do that here, but it just hasn't happened yet. Maybe this is the year. I just wish someone could tell me if I have a fraction of a chance and if it's worth all the effort, because if I don't, then I could probably be happy not stressing on it and having it be a hobby...

G suggested I make a list of everything I think I would need to make more of a go at it with my music blog. Even if it was earning $20 a month, that would be something!! It's quite established by now, maybe it IS time to check out some of those tips and apply them and see what happens... One of the things on the list might be a consult with a more pro type person to give me some perspective. I'm too close to it...

Going to the Dr tomorrow to find out about some lab results. They didn't call me ahead of my scheduled appointment, so I'm sure there won't be anything serious, but she was checking for levels on things like B12, folic acid and thyroid and I forget what else. ugh.

1 comment:

Rick Lelchuk said...

I can help with your first item... making sending out cards easy. Real cards from your computer to their mailbox. Even give you two cards for free to get you started.



Rick Lelchuk
Miami, FL