Thursday, January 21, 2010

This Girl...

...was not fat. But she thought she was. That makes me sad. She wasn't tiny either, but come on!

See those tiny rolls on the side? The little hint of a belly? She was soooo embarrassed by them!

What was she thinking?

I know one thing she thought. That all the other girls were so much smaller. That she'd never get to that "magic number" all the charts said she would be. It was just too hard. So she gave up. Other things crept up on her. Stress, doubts, debts, frustrations from all sides. Food was reliable, an instant life sweetener during bitter times. And she couldn't get to the number anyway, so what was the point of denying herself one more thing in life, one thing she actually had control of?

And that boy smiling at her in the picture seemed to always be smiling however she was. Always told her she was beautiful and pretty, even when she just woke up, or was sick. He saw her from the inside.

If I ever see that girl again, I'm going to tell her she is gorgeous inside AND out. That she is perfect just the way she is.

Isn't she?


Nandi said...

Oh Heather! Perfect in every way!

gilrocam said...

She is!