Friday, January 15, 2010

Let Go

This has been my theme song in the past few days.

I'm trying to get rid of things.

Just a little bit at a time. My mom does a thing where she tries to get rid of 3 things per day - trash, recycle, donate, whatever, just getting them out of her way. I'm not doing that exactly, but I am trying to pick little things.

So far it has been clothes. I've been holding on to so many clothing items hoping to fit them again, or because I feel like I don't have enough clothes and just having more available, even if I never wear them, is a security blanket. Like what if all the washers in the world broke and I needed something clean but that didn't fit right?! :P Some stuff I have has NEVER fit right, no matter what size I was/am. That's a little easier because I just have to remember how I felt uncomfortable wearing it, and out it goes. What is hard if it's something I actually really liked, something that was really cute. Especially now that I am on this weight loss program, and it's not totally insane to think that I might really be that size again someday. But even then, I'm trying to be more selective about what I keep. Some things I hold in my hand and look at it, and the little voice creeps in and says "let go, let go." and I throw it semi-reluctantly on the pile.

That was something today, the red shirt. I am still thinking about it. It's already dropped off at the secondhand shop, but it's lingering just a little. My friend gave it to me. It didn't quite fit her. Red. Baseball jersey style of sleeves, but didn't look like a jersey. Really cute on. Good style for me. But the "let go, let go" rang loud in my head. I told myself I could let the clothes sit in a pile on the stairwell for a while, like I'd done with the previous pile I'd made on a first pass through. But I walked by them and again "Let go, let go". So they came with me to the car in a bag.

I went to the pool, did my swimming, pushed myself to do 40 minutes instead of 30, hot tub after. Had a burrito out. Got home, realized the bag of clothes was still on my passenger seat. Should I drop them off later? Tomorrow maybe? I was already home. "Let go, let go." I shifted into reverse and drove to the secondhand shop. "Let go, let go" all the way from my car in the parking lot to the drop box. Goodbye super cute red shirt, blue jeans that were always too big, khaki jeans I never ever liked, grey long sleeve t that was boring and a tiny bit itchy (fraction of % polyester?).

I'm hoping this writing lets the red shirt go for good now. Maybe not, but it's out of my life, and I hope it looks really cute on the next person.

I think one of my next projects for clutter-busting is the cubby in the front entry. You wouldn't know it's a mess from the outside, but it's full of crap I haven't looked at in years, so how much could I need it? And it might be a nice break from the closet... and everything I get rid of really is a weight off. It's a good idea to do little bits at a time, that way it's never too overwhelming. Aha, maybe one shelf in the cubby per day??

Release and abundance working already. I can release all this stuff because I am trusting there is an abundance of what I need available to me when I need it.

So far no bad side effects from the pills. They definitely suppress appetite, which makes it much easier to cope with the reduced calorie intake. The first weeks are the hardest, getting used to eating less, so they are taking the edge off that hard part. I am so in love with my app food/exercise journal thing. It makes it fun to look up the foods, and easier too. Makes it more of a game. For example at the burrito place I was putting in the items and realized that the lemonade I had gotten was a whopping 300 calories, which would have left me with next to nothing for dinner, but I WAS thirsty and I did want it, so I just drank half of it. And then I'm going to be able to print out a spreadsheet to take to the Dr next month from the website! The app sends the info to your account there. Sweet.

Speaking of the Dr, I had to call the office to see if they had sent my physical form in for my potential job yet. They hadn't. She had a question but figured it out while I was on the phone, and promised to send it a few minutes after she hung up. I bet if I hadn't called it wouldn't have gotten done today. Sigh.

OK though, speaking of clothes I DO need, I need something to wear for the concert in two weeks. The other girls I'm working with started talking about it. I really have nothing besides the red dress, which isn't the color they are going for, and I wore that at the last concert. There are several other dresses from the same site that might work, and on sale for $30. If I got one in black, that might last a while, for other things. And if it didn't, well, I don't think I'll find any other outfit or be able to make something for that much. And I really don't think I have anything appropriate, nor do I know anyone the right size for borrowing. Hrm...


Tobi Nielsen said...

You are inspiring me to actually get my "out-box" out of the house! Things tend to go into my "out-box" and then just sit there, not going anywhere! Oh well--thanks for the inspiration!

Heather said...

Glad I could provide a little inspiration! I know what you mean about putting stuff in the out box but then not getting that box out! It's not really quite let go of yet then is it?

I've got sooooo much stuff. It's been good to travel to South America and see how little people live with there. Of course there are the terribly poor, which is sad, but there are also just people who seem to be doing just fine with so much less than we have. And for me, having all the stuff means it's also sitting somewhere in my mind as something to worry about or deal with at some point...