Sunday, February 14, 2010

Two things I haven't done in a while...

1. Wear my ring on the proper finger
2. Make a Valentine card.

Re 1: It's not 100% comfortable yet, but month ago it would have been a struggle to get on, and I would have started panicking to get it off immediately after, which would include stuff like running my hand under cold water and using soap. Tonight I can get it on and off easily, and had it on for at least an hour without it bothering me at all. PROGRESS!!!

Re 2: It's not as detailed or intricate as cards I have done before, and yeah, probably any kid could have done just about the same, but the point being I was motivated, and I made it with my own two hands. Not sure how long it's been since I made a Valentine card...

I think the pendulum swung from overdoing on making cards during my school years, (as in, making cards for absolutely everyone I knew in an attempt to make the cards that I gave to my crushes just seem like "one of the crowd" and nothing particularly special. Yeah, I was a goof that way...) to not doing at all. Maybe next year I can reserve making cards for more of the people I care about without overdoing. Because it really IS fun. PROGRESS!!!

1 comment:

gilrocam said...